![Hallomonth 4 retro spook](https://4-8productions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Final-Fantathon-Logo.png)
=============== SCHEDULE ===============
Games will be streamed every Friday, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm EST on 4-8Live. Some weeks we will do a Double Day, where we will do an extra 4 hours. Every game will get its own Let’s Play series on YouTube uploaded every Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday (sometimes more if Double Day, finale, etc.). All games will be played on the most original North American version we can play on and will be played as a casual playthrough with minimal backseating/spoilers.
========== BONUS GAMES VOTE WAR ==========
During the marathon you can vote for your favorite Final Fantasy side game by donating, giving bits, subscribing or spending free 4-8Points and using the corresponding hashtag. $1 = 2 votes and 1000 points = 1 vote. The top three winners will get their own Let’s Play at the middle and the end of the marathon, and the next 8 runner ups will get a couple hour bonus play during an event after the marathon is over. Note: Games that we have already looked into in-depth on stream are not on the list (World of Final Fantasy, Crisis Core, FFVII Remake, Etc.)
{{vote.tag}} | {{vote.name}} |
{{vote.votes}} {{ vote.votes !== 1 ? 'votes' : 'vote'}}
============= NAME VOTE WAR =============
In addition to voting for bonus games, you can also vote for bonus names! Whenever we reach a character that does not have a cannon important name, we will use whichever name is currently winning the vote war! If you want to add a name to the list (and vote for it at the same time) just use #(yournewname) and it will be added to the war.
{{vote.tag}} |
{{vote.votes}} {{ vote.votes !== 1 ? 'votes' : 'vote'}}